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Total contests: 41  
Archived entries: 1777
Current topic: To Be Announced
Accepted entries: -
Pending submissions: -
Event: Awaiting New Topic
Status: N/A
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Current Contest
Previous Contest Winner
Bradley W. Schenck

Country: United States
Points: 223.7
Artist URL:
Comment: none
Contest News
Category Icon Dear Contestants,

The deadline for this contest had passed, we have 37 entries. I would like to thank the contestants for daring to enter this contest. The voting booth is open now, it will remain open for a week. Power is now in the hands of the voters!

3DLuVr contestteam-lead
by nbt on Sun Jun 12 2005
Category Icon *Contest Update*

The 'Warriors Tools' deadline has been extended for another 2 weeks.

by nbt on Fri May 27 2005
Category Icon Hello contestants,

Due to the low number of entries the deadline is postponed for another week. So if you havent got around tweaking the last bit, here is your chance to do so. Keep the entries comming, they all look promoising!
May the best win.

by nbt on Fri May 20 2005
Category Icon Hello dear contestants,

We, the contest team are proud to announce another contest. Warriors Tools will be your assignment untill half may. Please outdo yourselves, both on the technical and creative aspect of this fine contest!

nBT, contestteam-lead
by nbt on Sun Apr 17 2005
Category Icon I extended the contest with 3 weeks more time. This will be the only extension. 12 december will be the final deadline. You can even start from scratch if you havent done that yet. I have no intention to wait for sufficient entries. If the next 3 and a half weeks yield 10 entries, then it will be 10 entries. (Or am i going to be surprised with 50 entries?)

Good luck 3d'ing.
by nbt on Tue Nov 16 2004
Category Icon Hello to all contestants and visitors of 3DLuVr. This is Mattijs Middag (aka nBT), your new contest captain speaking. I have been recently put in charge of the 3DLuVr contests, while Pedja Ljubomirovic the webmaster of 3DLuVr, will be just focusing on Contest Sponsors and Prizes from now on.

Because we here at 3DLuVr think that our contests are an important pillar of 3DLuVr and CG community in general, and the unfavourable response to the last contests which did not exactly flood with entries, things have now been carried over from amigo to me.

As for me running these contests: Comments (both positive and negative) or ideas from anyone especially contestants will be greatly appreciated. Please use the Comment link to the right to send in your thoughts...

My gratitude goes to amigo for trusting me with the contests. And may I also remind you that he ran 40 contests in the past six years. No little effort!

News about the current contest: "Jammed" will follow soon.

nBT, contest-team lead
by nbt on Sat Nov 13 2004
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